Factors You Should Consider Before Buying Vintage Signs

Many people invest heavily in vintage signs in the hopes to sell them for a higher price later on. On the other hand, people use them solely as decorative items as well since they look beautiful with all those popping colors and unique designs originally made to catch the attention of passerby.

However, the price and future value of these signs is determined by various factors. Before you invest in your first vintage sign by buying it from Route 32 Auctions or any other provider, you should consider all of the below mentioned factors.

Rarity of The Vintage Sign

Rarity of a vintage sign is one of the most important things you should know about it. Rarer signs definitely sell for higher prices as compared to the signs which are easily available in thrift shops. Many signs were given to the war effort which make them rarer and historically appealing. So, you’ll ideally want to invest in such signs when out in the market to buy some.

Keep in mind that rarity of the sign determines its future price as well, and thus your ROI when selling it in the future.

Look And Feel of The Sign

While not so often, the look and feel of a vintage sign can also dictate its desirability and value. For example, color rich and good looking signs are usually high in demand, and that’s why they are sold for a higher price as well.

The Brand They Relate To

Value of a vintage sign is also determined by the value and popularity of the brand it is attached to. In fact, many vintage sign collectors actually collect signs of specific brands only. Entire brand sign collections can be sold for a higher price as compared to individual signs.